This Common Food Lurking in Your Kitchen Cabinets Dramatically Increases Your Risk of Pancreatic Cancer


SugarSweetened foods and drinks increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, according to a new study. Soft drinks and sugar in coffee are among the most common ways the risk is increased.

Some 80,000 men and women had their dietary habits monitored between 1997 and 2005. By the end of the study, 131 had pancreatic cancer.

Most at risk were those who drank soft drinks; those who drank them twice a day or more had a 90 percent higher risk than those who never drank them at all. People who added sugar to food or drinks (e.g. coffee) at least five times a day ran a 70 percent greater risk than those who refrained from doing so.

Those who ate creamed fruit at least once a day also ran a 50 percent higher risk than those who never ate the product (creamed fruit is similar to jam, and is a common food in Sweden, where the study was conducted).

Pancreatic cancer may be caused when the pancreas produces increased levels of insulin; high sugar consumption is a well-known way of increasing insulin production.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition November 2006; 84(5): 1171-1176

Science Daily November 8, 2006

Senior Journal November 8, 2006

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

Dr. Warburg from Germany received a Nobel prize over 75 years ago for discovering that sugar feeds cancer. Sadly, nearly all physicians fail to appreciate the enormous influence that sugar has on cancer growth. The evidence is strong, compelling and clear, yet nearly all fail to apply this knowledge until it is far too late.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest and most difficult cancers to treat. Once diagnosed most patients are not alive in three months. Do you really want to increase your risk of getting it? Well, stop drinking soda.

Fortunately, even conventional medicine is finally starting to catch on to the cancer-causing effects of sugar, this time in relation to pancreatic cancer.

Cancer has unseated heart disease as the number one killer of Americans, increasing right along with the epidemic of obesity that's spreading throughout the world. When you consume high-sugar foods, you increase your insulin demand and decrease your insulin sensitivity.

That has been shown to increase local blood flow and cell division within the pancreas, while exposing these cells to extremely high insulin concentrations.

Unsurprisingly, considering this, high body mass index and physical inactivity have been directly related to the risk of pancreatic cancer. Moreover, diabetes, a disease that goes hand-in-hand with obesity, doubles a patient's pancreatic cancer risks.

It still amazes me that the NUMBER ONE source of calories in the United States is from high fructose corn syrup in sodas. This is something you can easily avoid.

If you are drinking any soda, in my book, there simply is no excuse for you not to immediately take strong actions to discontinue this pernicious habit. If you struggle with addiction I strongly recommend you consider Turbo Tapping as a simple yet highly effective tool to help you stop this health-sucking habit.

Remember the prognosis for pancreatic cancer is universally dismal; the five-year survival rate is around 5 percent. Nothing could be easier and better for your health in so many ways than to cut out sugary sweet drinks and that extra sugar in your morning coffee.

Yes, there are many good alternative treatments for cancer, but wouldn't it make far more sense to prevent it than to treat it?

And don't think switching to dangerous artificial sweeteners will help; they even worse for your health.

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You have a chance of having your comment posted like Mary Nilseen who added this comment

"I know about limiting sweets, I have had type one diabetes for over 50 years, and have done quite well in spite of this disease. One thing I want to mention, and Dr. Mercola has done a great job in his book 'Sweet Deception,' is we need to avoid using artificial sweeteners like Aspartame and Splenda and a number of others.

"I gave up drinking diet sodas about 9 months ago and my mood improved, lost a little weight and my memory is starting to improve. These (and many others) are all side affects when you drink diet soda.  Instead I concentrate on drinking 8-10 glasses of water and occasionally a little wine, and my body is improving greatly.

"So, please do not think it is healthy to cut back on sugar and then switch to artificial sweeteners, they need to be eliminated at all costs because they are poisons. We really must help each other get the right information from reliable sources (like"

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